Sometimes, patients experience pockets of fat that cannot be eliminated, despite diet and exercise. Laser Liposuction in Concord and Boston can help patients with good skin elasticity to obtain a sleeker body contour.

What is a Laser Liposuction?

Liposuction surgery is done to eliminate unwanted and stubborn pockets of fat that diet and exercise cannot eliminate. Liposuction is commonly done on the buttocks, hips, thighs, breasts, back, arms, and neck to produce a sleeker body contour. There are many benefits to Laser Liposuction, including a quicker recovery time and minimal bruising and swelling in the treatment area(s).

Liposuctions can also be combined with other procedures for a Mommy Makeover, such as a Breast Augmentation in Concord.

How is Laser Liposuction done?

Laser Liposuction uses a laser fiber that generated heat, liquefying the fat before liposuction is used. This creates an environment for easier removal, and can even cause skin tightening.

First, Dr. Narasimhan fills the treatment area with a Tumescent liquid to shrink blood vessels and cause numbing. The laser fiber will then be applied, liquefying the fat. Cannulas or thin suction tubes will then be inserted into small incisions to carefully remove the liquefied fat.

Who is a good candidate for Laser Liposuction?

Ideal candidates for Laser Liposuction have stubborn areas of localized fat that cannot be eliminated by following a healthy lifestyle. Good candidates will also have a minimal quantity of excess skin and good skin elasticity. Patients should be no more than 20 pounds above their desired weight. Liposuction is not a weight-loss technique.  A Tummy Tuck in Boston is also an extremely effective procedure.

What should I expect during recovery from Laser Liposuction?

Recovery from Laser Liposuction takes two to three weeks. Any strenuous activities should be avoided at this time, while every day, lighter activities can be resumed right away. Many clients are able to return to their desk jobs within a day or two.

If you are interested in Laser Liposuction to treat stubborn areas of fat, contact Dr. Narasimhan us today. For more information on this procedure, visit our blog or call (978) 369-1579.