Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. However, it can take a toll on a woman’s body. A Mommy Makeover in Concord and Boston is designed to restore women’s bodies to their pre-pregnancy form. Many women choose to undergo this procedure to boost their self-confidence and feel comfortable in their own body.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover consists of multiple procedures to restore a woman’s figure to that of her pre-pregnancy body. Procedures that may be included in a Mommy Makeover include a breast augmentation, breast lift in Boston, a tummy tuck, and liposuction.

How is a Mommy Makeover done?

A Mommy Makeover procedure is meant to be uniquely customized to each individual patient. Patients who choose to undergo a breast lift and breast augmentation do so for fuller and perkier breasts. Those who undergo a Boston tummy tuck want a flatter, tighter abdomen, while liposuction in Concord can be used to help contour areas of the body.

Who is a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Women whose bodies have gone through changes due to pregnancy and breastfeeding may be able to benefit from a Mommy Makeover. Mothers who are experiencing drooping or sagging breasts, excess, sagging skin on the abdomen, or stubborn areas of localized fat are often good candidates for this procedures. It is important to understand that a Mommy Makeover can only safely be performed if you have ceased breastfeeding for up to six months and do not smoke. A consultation with Dr. Narasimhan will give you the opportunity to voice your surgical goals so that he can create a unique plan for you.

What should I expect during recovery from a Mommy Makeover?

Recovery from a Mommy Makeover takes two weeks. Drains can be removed after two to three days, and any discomfort can be controlled with prescribed pain medication. Bruising and swelling may occur, though should subside with time. Final results will be visible after three months. Patients should be able to return to work after two weeks, though heavy lifting and exercise should be avoided for an additional two weeks.

Restore your pre- baby body with a Mommy Makeover in Concord or Boston. If you are interested in this procedure, contact Dr. Narasimhan at (978) 369-1579 to schedule your initial consultation.