At some point, everyone starts to show his or her age. However, the neck is one of the first places that begin to show these signs. Excess skin on the neck or along the jawline can easily be corrected with Neck Lift surgery in Concord and Boston.

What is a Neck Lift?

Neck Lift surgery is done to remove excess skin along the neck and jawline. The excess skin may cause “turkey neck”, or the appearance of a double chin.  Males considering this procedure should visit our Necklift for Men page for more information.

How is Neck Lift surgery done?

During Neck Lift surgery, small incisions will be made beneath the chin and behind the ears. The skin is then lifted and any sagging neck muscles are removed. Remaining muscle is then tightened and excess skin is removed. The jawline may also be tightened if needed. A Liposuction in Boston can also be used to assist in fat reduction. Incisions are then closed and drains may be placed to collect any excess fluids.

Dr. Nathan Narasimhan takes special care to create incisions that are discretely located so that they are no openly visible. Any concerns about incision placement can be discussed during your consultation.

Who is a good candidate for a Neck Lift?

Good candidates for Neck Lift surgery are those who are unhappy with the appearance of their neck due to excess skin and fat. Patients that are in good health and desire a sleeker neckline could greatly benefit from this procedure. Massachusetts Plastic Surgeon Dr. Narasimhan will help to determine whether this procedure is right for you during the consultation process.

What should I expect during recovery from Neck Lift surgery?

Recovery from Neck Lift surgery commonly takes around two to three weeks. Bruising and swelling will occur but should subside in two weeks time. If liposuction was used during the procedure, a compression garment should be worn for optimal results. Final results will be apparent six weeks after the initial procedure.

If you are located in the Concord or Boston area and are interested in a Neck Lift, contact us today at (978) 369-1579 to schedule a consultation.