As we age our faces lose volume, causing lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas. Thankfully, there are an array of dermal fillers available to restore your youthful appearance. Dr. Narasimhan offers Restylane® Lyft, Restylane® Silk, Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Voluma, and Sculptra.

Restylane® Lyft

Restylane Lyft is an FDA-approved dermal filler made up of hyaluronic acid. This filler can be used to correct volume loss in the cheeks and smooth nasolabial folds in patients 21 years and older. Results should be noticeable six months after initial treatment, and can last more than a year. Common side effects include bruising, swelling, redness and tenderness at the injection site(s), though these should resolve over time.

Restylane® Silk

Restylane® Silk is an FDA-approved filler to enhance the lips and smooth wrinkles around the mouth in those 21 years and older. Like Restylane® Lyft, Restylane® Silk consists of hyaluronic acid, but it is made up of smaller, smoother particles. This filler lasts for around six months before another treatment session is needed. Common side effects include swelling, redness, pain or bruising at the injection site(s).

Juvederm® XC

Juvederm® XC is a non-invasive procedure used to treat facial wrinkles and folds. Adding volume under the skin, lines and folds are smoothed over, resulting in a more youthful appearance. This filler lasts up to a year. Side effects include swelling, bumps, bruising and redness at the injection site(s), which should resolve over time.

Juvederm® Ultra XC

Juvederm® Ultra XC is a filler made for augmentation of the lips in adults ages 21 and older. This filler has a thinner consistency compared to other Juvederm products, specifically created for natural-looking results in the lips. Results are proven to last up to one year, and some patients experience results longer. Side effects include swelling, redness, pain or bruising at the injection site(s).

Juvederm Voluma® XC

As we age, our cheeks lose volume and begin to sag. Juvederm Voluma® XC is a dermal filler designed to add volume beneath the skin’s surface to add lift to the mid-face area. It is the only filler lasting up to two years in the cheek area. Common side effects include swelling, firmness, redness or bruising at the injection site(s).


Sculptra® is a filler made up of poly-L-lactic acid designed to gradually replace lost collagen in the face. This filler can correct facial wrinkles and folds while working steadily to stimulate collagen growth for a more youthful appearance. Results for Sculptra® can last more than two years. Side effects include redness, swelling, tenderness and bruising at the injection site(s).

If you are interested in Dermal Fillers in Boston or Concord, contact us today at 617-455-2859 to schedule your initial consultation.  For more information, visit our blog page.